Monday 14 March 2011

final product

My final cover has kept the same colour scheme i have had throughout my planning. However, changes to my cover from planning is:
The name, my magazine used to be called Indoporock (Indie pop rock) magazine. However, this was changed due to comments from the audience, saying that the name was to hard to understand.
I decided to change my name to Indifference, as it is an indie magazine. Which is classed as different/alternative music. I got my name by combining the 2 words different and indie.
Other changes to my magazine are my original act were a band 'Chasing sunsets'. I decided to change to a solo artist as it was hard to organise a shoot with a lot of people, however, i think having a single person on the cover works well, as it looks more simplistic and doesn't look as crowded.
I think the main picture works well, as i kept my original idea of sunglasses, which make the design look more youthful and fun. Also, as the glasses are red and black, the work well with my chosen colour scheme.
I also like my choice of fonts. They work well together and are the same throughout my magazine, making the pages look like they are all part of the same magazine. The range of fonts are also youthful, as the font i chose for my title connotes american schools, giving the front page the vibrant young feel.
The thing i don't like about my cover is that the background is more beige than white, therefore slightly darkens my page, making it less vibrant and slightly interrupting my colour scheme.

My double page article has all the features of a typical double page spread: heading, sub heading, columns, quotes and pictures. This page follows the same scheme as the rest of the magazine, using the same fonts, colours and the same act. I used the cut out image to make the page look more interesting. As before, it had one page of image, the other of text. Also, the bold quotes make the article easier to read, as the audience can see the main parts and what to read on.

I have used this different layout to create more interest, the images have been made brighter on photoshop to make it look more professional. Also, i made sure my magazine had over 100 pages, to add realism.

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