Monday 28 February 2011

First draft: Main Article.

so far i have written and placed my article.
I still need the main picture, that will fill most of the right hand side of the page..
Too fill the other space, i am using 2 smaller photographs of my 'artist'.

So far, it has followed the same conventions of a magazine article. With a heading, sub heading, columns and quotes.

Thursday 17 February 2011

1st week progress.

In the first week, i have set the layout of my contents page and my front cover. As i haven't taken my photos yet, i have consontrated on colour scheme, fonts and layout. So far i have followed my colour scheme of red, navy black and white. I have also kept my chosen fonts from planning.
Next week i shall add photos to these two pages and start my double page spread.

Friday 11 February 2011

Draft article.

''I'm no Pixie Lott, then again that's a good thing right? i've seen prostitutes dress classier''

Well it's 2011, and as most of us met the new year drunk, thinking of ways to waste the on coming year and moaning about how much we failed in 2010, it's a different story for an artist who's been tipped of to be 'this decades biggest thing' and has be said to be 'the next Pixie Lott, but knows how to dress better'. The person we're talking about is Alexa Star, real name Anne Green, the 20 year old solo singing guitar player from St Annes. Her album Chasing Sunsets debuted at number 3 in the album charts last October, but with her new single 'When you where here' about to be released, here at Indifference magazine, we're all gonna get straight onto Itunes and download it! Even here tour which is starting in March has sold out! Alexa said to us that she's a big fan of all things music, saying her favourite bands are Vampire Weekend and All Time Low. She also said 'I'll never be as good as them, have you seen how cool they are?!' but still Alexa, we have all the faith, even with those ridiculous glasses you sport, but everybody needs their trademark. We caught up with her last night...

Interviewer; Hey Alexa!
Alexa; Hey, you... random, interview lady.
I: judging by your tone i'm guessing you're hung over?
A: o hell no, all nighter on the red bull though, yes. that is how i spend my life, i'm not the typical celeb, i'm not like George Micheal, get high and crash your car. What did poor snappy snaps ever do to him?
I: i see you're very well informed on the news then?
A: yeah, being on tour, only get basic TV, which means that 76% of the time the news is on, it sucks big time. The only fun type of new is Russell Howards.
I: your tour starts in March, guessing you'll miss your TV even more then?
A: Damn straight. Last time i was touring with WF Gromit, they are such cool guys, i'm so glad their musics become well known, they worked so hard, and dayum they are entertaining to be around, maybe even better than a hour of E4. But in March, i have no one, just me and the remote, but i'm doing it for the fans!
I: Your a big fan of your fans then?
A: hell yeah, they're the ones who got me here, i love them... they're like long lost.. umm, still long lost friends. One day i will high five them all!
I: With being in the indie rock genre, are you glad you don't have the pop music image?
A: most definitely, have you seen them? Cheryl Cole the best dressed my ass, tell that to her stylist, all 2,000 of them. She has so many and she still looks like she's gone on a spree in Primark.
I: What about Pixie Lott, you've been compared to her in the past?
A: I despise those who said that, I'm no Pixie Lott, but then again that's a good thing right? i've seen prostitutes dress classier!
I: You're very viewed when it comes to pop music then?
A: YES! don't get me started on Lady Gaga!
I: As we're running out of time,is there anything you want to say to our readers?
A: Buy the album, i'm still a slight nobody, so my albums cheap! Get that EMA spent kidlets!
and, new dates added, get down to Manchester Academy! Free high fives!

Thursday 10 February 2011

Mock Ups.

Front Page:
on my front page it contains a big title, which is big enough for the audience to see, it contains a picture of the band along with several other images about different acts, even though this is in black and white. the colour scheme will be red,black,white and navy blue.

Contents: Like a typical contents it contain one big picture and several small ones, it will have page listing up until at least 120 pages. the picture will be in colour.

Double page spread:
The main image will be black and white, and the text box black with white writing. This will make the titles stand out as they will be wither red or navy blue.

Monday 7 February 2011

Organisation Calendar.

Taking Photos.
For my magazine i will take photos in the beginning of the first week of making. I will set my photos in the studio for the front cover, and outdoors for my contents and double page spread, i am yet to decide on a location, but i know i want my setting to be outdoors when it is sunny.

Making my magazine will take 6 weeks, i plan to take 2 weeks for each page. However as it will be created in Indesign and Photoshop, i can only make my magazine during college time. Therefore i will only have 9 hours on each page.

Week One
; Take photos and organise fonts to be used.
Week Two; Complete the front cover, small photo's, text and everything.
Week Three; Start my contents page, layout photo's and big fonts.
Week Four; Add the text to the contents page and finish layout.
Week Five; Layout my double spread add photo's and text.
Week Six; Check and complete all of the magazine.

Saturday 5 February 2011

Planning Photoshoot.

When planning my photoshoot, i need at least 3 photos; Front cover, contents and double spread article.
Front Cover On my front cover, my photo will definatly use direct address, with the people in the image looking directly into the camera, this targets the audience. Most professional magazines use this technique. My photo will be simple, instead of using a group, i am having an image of my solo artist, holding a guitar, as guitars connote and represent this music genre.

Props & Costume. As it is in Indie magazine, my costumes will reflect what that stereotype wears, example; checkered shirts. This is good as it helps readers associate with those that they are reading about, it also makes it appealing for when they take it from the shelf. For props, i am going to use a guitar, my picture will be taken next to a white background, to make the photo simplistic, yet will stand out well. The guitar is also black and white, so goes with the colour scheme i have chosen for my magazine.

On my contents page, i will use one main image, which will take up half of the page. Aswell as several small images. My main image will be a picture of my artist. I want this picture to be set in an everyday setting with my artist doing an everyday thing which is fun, as this will identify with my target audience, if it is an activity or surrounding most people are familiar with.

Double Page Spread.

As images will dominate this page, i want there to be 3 main images, all the same size and similar in where they are set etc, but they will be shot using different camera settings and colour effects, one will be normal colour, the other faided colour and the other black and white. I think this will be effective as the different shades represents every side of the artist, making a closer connection to the audience. They will all be in a similar outdoor setting. I want them to be take in a field or town location. My artist will be wearing sunglasses, as these connote summer and happiness, i think it will juxtapose well with he black and white imagery, showing the different sides to fame.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Reader Profile.

The profile of the reader for my magazine is young people aged 16-25. As it is a 21st century, young people are often generalised into numerous stereotypes. The stereotype most offen associated with an indie rock magazine is the 'hipster'or 'indie' stereotype, shown in the picture above. The typical reader of this magazine would most probably be into music or be in a band, this picture connates this. As London often represents music, industry and youth.
The image below also shows people hanging round in a typical everyday setting. As these people fit into my magazines aimed stereotype, i shall use settings like these in my photography, so my chosen photos associate well with the reader. The outfits they are wearing are also stereotypical, checkered shirts and glasses will be used in my props for my photo shoot.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Mood board of fonts.

I have created a mood board of fonts designs and colours to decide which would be best for my music magazine. The colour scheme i have decided on is navy blue, red, black and white. As these are the colours most commonly used in the indie music magazine genre. Eg; Q magazine. Black and white connote classic and untimely, mixed with red that connotes aggression. It represents the genre of music well.
I have used 16 different fonts. In these 16, i think that 7, 10 and 1 work the best. Font 10 connotes youth, representing it's target audience, also making the magazine look fun. Font 1 is eye catching and unique and also connotes youth and music. Font 7 is plain yet affective, so all the attention isn't drawn to the title rather than what the magazine contains.
The fonts i don't like are 12, 11 and 16. Font 11 is irrelevant to the genre and hard to read, it would draw too much attention from the front cover itself. Font 12 looks cheap and unprofessional, it would make my magazine look too rushed. Also, Font 16 is too plain, and doesn't connote anything relevant to my magazine genre.
The font i have decided to use is font 10. This is because it connotes youth and also looks 'retro' at the same time. Making the magazine look interesting, fun as well as genre relevant.

however, i have decided to re name my magazine indifference. As it is easier for the audience to understand. It is relevant as it is a different music magazine, so having different in the title is relevant.