Saturday 5 February 2011

Planning Photoshoot.

When planning my photoshoot, i need at least 3 photos; Front cover, contents and double spread article.
Front Cover On my front cover, my photo will definatly use direct address, with the people in the image looking directly into the camera, this targets the audience. Most professional magazines use this technique. My photo will be simple, instead of using a group, i am having an image of my solo artist, holding a guitar, as guitars connote and represent this music genre.

Props & Costume. As it is in Indie magazine, my costumes will reflect what that stereotype wears, example; checkered shirts. This is good as it helps readers associate with those that they are reading about, it also makes it appealing for when they take it from the shelf. For props, i am going to use a guitar, my picture will be taken next to a white background, to make the photo simplistic, yet will stand out well. The guitar is also black and white, so goes with the colour scheme i have chosen for my magazine.

On my contents page, i will use one main image, which will take up half of the page. Aswell as several small images. My main image will be a picture of my artist. I want this picture to be set in an everyday setting with my artist doing an everyday thing which is fun, as this will identify with my target audience, if it is an activity or surrounding most people are familiar with.

Double Page Spread.

As images will dominate this page, i want there to be 3 main images, all the same size and similar in where they are set etc, but they will be shot using different camera settings and colour effects, one will be normal colour, the other faided colour and the other black and white. I think this will be effective as the different shades represents every side of the artist, making a closer connection to the audience. They will all be in a similar outdoor setting. I want them to be take in a field or town location. My artist will be wearing sunglasses, as these connote summer and happiness, i think it will juxtapose well with he black and white imagery, showing the different sides to fame.

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