Tuesday 1 February 2011

Mood board of fonts.

I have created a mood board of fonts designs and colours to decide which would be best for my music magazine. The colour scheme i have decided on is navy blue, red, black and white. As these are the colours most commonly used in the indie music magazine genre. Eg; Q magazine. Black and white connote classic and untimely, mixed with red that connotes aggression. It represents the genre of music well.
I have used 16 different fonts. In these 16, i think that 7, 10 and 1 work the best. Font 10 connotes youth, representing it's target audience, also making the magazine look fun. Font 1 is eye catching and unique and also connotes youth and music. Font 7 is plain yet affective, so all the attention isn't drawn to the title rather than what the magazine contains.
The fonts i don't like are 12, 11 and 16. Font 11 is irrelevant to the genre and hard to read, it would draw too much attention from the front cover itself. Font 12 looks cheap and unprofessional, it would make my magazine look too rushed. Also, Font 16 is too plain, and doesn't connote anything relevant to my magazine genre.
The font i have decided to use is font 10. This is because it connotes youth and also looks 'retro' at the same time. Making the magazine look interesting, fun as well as genre relevant.

however, i have decided to re name my magazine indifference. As it is easier for the audience to understand. It is relevant as it is a different music magazine, so having different in the title is relevant.

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