Thursday 20 January 2011

Analysing Journalistic Style and Structure of a Article.

This double page spread is about the indie rock band Razor Light. It is originally from Q magazine. This would appeal to an audience who like rock and indie music. The features of this journalistic style is it makes memorable quotes in bold and larger writing so people who usually skim read articles for the pictures will be interested enough to read the full article. This is an effective style as it increases the number of readers and buyers. Also for people who don't usually read the full article, it uses large images to appeal to them, using a large image of the full band and several smaller images. The main interview also uses a colloquial informal chatty tone, as this is how most young people would speak, showing them that it is for their age group and also making it more fun to read, rather than an educational article.
It is also set out in columns like a typical article, and the layout of the images is also typical and easy to read. However, I think the design of this, using the black and whites with electric blue make the whole thing look youthful.

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