Thursday 20 January 2011

Using Media Theory to Discuss Target Audience.

Using the media ''GRASS theory'' (gender, race, age, social status.) i would say that the target audience for my magazine would be:
Gender: Both
Race: Both but mostly white British... As this is the most popular genre in young white people, as genre tends to differ between race.
Age: 16-25 years.
Social Status Subsidence; mostly students or unemployed young adults.

Demographic Profiling.
Although old fashioned, Socio-economic segments are widely used in marketing. The group i would put readers of this magazine is group E: unskilled or unemployed.
As readers of this are usually students who are in College or University. Meaning they aren't in work or skilled yet. As they are in studies, music is a good way to pass time, hense why it is popular within this age group.

Psychographic Profiling.
This aims to appeal to the audience's emotions and psychological needs. This approach categories an audience based upon aspirations: Mainstreamers. As the rest of the groups are mostly about wealth and social status. As readers of this magazines are young, they will not yet have social status or wealth.

The typical image of those that would read my magazine are portrayed in the image below.

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