Tuesday 18 January 2011

Conventions of a music magazine.

Convention of a music magazine cover..
This is a cover from Q magazine. Q is under the indie rock genre, so appeals to ages usually around 15-40. This is shown in the darker colours of the cover, it is not bright like a younger audiences magazine would be. The darker colours also connote the indie rock genre, as it is known as being darker than other music groups like pop, the duller colours represent this well. Other features of this cover is the medium shot of the person being interviewed, looking into the camera for direct address with the audience. Other features is the tag line, saying what is happening in the magazine, also using a quote from the interview. This gives the reader an idea of what to expect from the magazine and interview, also wether or not the magazine looks interesting enough to buy. The cover also has sub stories with pictures. Also making it more appealing to the audience.
My magazine cover will be the same as this in the way it is the same genre; indie rock. Also similar, i will use a medium shot picture of a person/band and will use sub stories with pictures. The layout of this cover is very basic but looks effective and busy. Showing a lot of information in the magazine.

Coventions of a music magazine contents page...
This contents page also from Q magazine is effective.. The divided layout between images and writing creates and interesting layout. The pictures appeal to those who don't usually read a contents page, and add interest to a page that people aren't usually interested in. When making my contents page i am to remember to put in at least 80 pages. For example, this magazine contains 200 pages. It would not look realistic if my magazine only contained 30 or so pages. Again, the page contains quotes from each page, giving the reader an idea what the page is about and wether they will be interested. I will use this idea in my magazine, because it makes the contents page look more interesting and is also appealing to the reader. Also, the whole page uses a red, black, white and mustard coloured theme. This has recurred from the cover making it all look like a part of the same magazine. And also following the indie rock genre theme. The faded photographs also help portray this effect.

Conventions of a music magazine article

This is a feature article of again an indie rock genre magazine. The unique style makes it effective and eye catching. The choice of abstract shapes and colours replicates the sound of the band featured music. I like the design of the page, as it isn't the same as typical feature articles. Typically, articles are just an interview set out in columns with a couple of pictures. I prefer this layout that the typical. I will use a more unique design in my feature, also to try and replicate the vibe of the genre using 2D shapes and matching colours.

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