Monday 24 January 2011


For research i did a basic questionnaire to identify the target audience. The findings are presented below. 50 people where polled (in College)

Type of Magazine:

Music: 16

Fashion: 11

Celebrity: 20

Women: 1

Fitness: 2

This shows that more people in this age group are buying celebrity magazines. With 2/5 people choose this genre. This shows that celebrity is the most popular, however, music magazines came in second with only 4 less people reading than celebrity. This shows that music and celebrity are the most popular within young target audiences. Womens magazines came in last with only 1 person choosing to buy this genre. This is because womens lifestyle magazines are aimed at an older audience, when my target age group is young people. Also, fitness magazines only got choosen twice, this is also because it is aimed at older men rather than the younger audience who don't care as much about fitness as the older age group does. The last genre chosen was fashion. This got chosen 11 times. This shows that younger poeple also like fashion. My findings have helped me decide what to put in my music magazine. That it should be a music magazine that also includes celebrity and articles about fashion.

I also did a questionnaire to show the most popular music magazines within a younger audience. This is again polled out of 50 people.

Music Genre:

Pop: 7

Metal: 5

Indie: 19

Rap/R'n'B: 10

Dance: 9

This poll has shown that the most popular music magazine genre is Indie, showing that i have made the right decision in what genre to make my magazine, as nearly 2/5's of poeple chose this. However it also showed that 19 people chose Dance and R'n'B. This shows that the download top 40 has a big influence in what type of music people like. As the Top 40 is usually dominated by Dance and R'n'B tracks.

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