Monday 31 January 2011

Planning; Decided Name for Magazine.

The name ideas i came up with for my music magazine where;
Indoprock, Microckphone, Instrumenting, IMM {individual music magazine} & NobleMusic.
To find out which name to give my magazine, i made a questionnaire and asked 50 people which name would be the best for my magazine. the results showed...

Indifference; 17

Microckphone; 12

Instrumenting; 9

IMM; 3

NobleMusic; 9

These results showed that Indifference got the most votes, i think this is the best name for my magazine as it covers the target audience and purpose of the magazine; people who are interested in different genres of music. IMM got the least number of votes, i think this is because it is just initials, so at first glance people would not know what the purpose of the magazine is...
Microckphone got the second highest number of votes, however, i do not like this name because it seems like an unoriginal name that doesn't really show the main theme of the magazine. NobleMusic also didn't get a lot of votes, i don't like this name because again it shows no purpose and lacks inspiration. As well as Instrumenting, i don't think this would work as it is more well suited for a magazine that teaches music, rather than one that promotes and advertises it.

Chosen name for magazine: IndopRock.

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